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Reglamento del dominó del doble nueve

Publisher: Planeta
The book of Rules of the Double Nine Dominoes is his second work about this modality. It transmits in their articulate the necessity of banish of the domino the corrupt practices that it implies the system of fraudulent signs. He pleads for the application of energetic measures against the agents of the dirty and immodest game. He considers that the signs constitutes a fraud and it harms the correct development of the game of dominoes. Pausing is the only communication possible, anything added to that jeopardizes the essence of the game and hurts its credibility as an activity to develop the mind and make friends. This regulation is a proposal with the purpose of that the peculiarities of the domino of the fifty five records, be included in the unique regulation that will have the game in its future.

Risas, Aplausos Y Lágrimas

Publisher: Planeta

Salud Pura

Todas la claves DETOX de la medicina holística


Sana tu Cuerpo

Publisher: Alamah

Sanacion a traves de los angeles

Publisher: Anagrama

Spanish Description : Tu puedes pedir ayuda a los ángeles, solicitar su consejo y, con su auxilio, encontrar la paz interior. Georgette Rivera comparte sus conocimientos y, mediante ejercicios sencillos, recomendaciones, anécdotas y bellas plegarias te enseña a comunicarte con ellos para solucionar tus problemas físicos y espirituales.La autora explica con un estilo dinámico los distintos tipos de ángeles que existen y sus jerarquías, las funciones que cumples y su frecuencia vibratoria; también te ofrece las técnicas necesarias para conseguir la amistad y el apoyo de estos seres maravillosos.

English Description : In this new book, renowned author Georgette Rivera shares her deep knowledge of Angels ?types, hierarchy, duties and vibratory frequency. Through simple exercises, recommendations, anecdotes and beautiful prayers, she teaches us how to communicate with them, ask for their help in resolving physical and spiritual problems and win the support of these beings of light to lead a life of love and fulfillment


Sangre de campeon: Sin Cadenas

Publisher: Alfaguara

Spanish Description : Dos hermanos adolescentes quedan huérfanos de madre y se ven expuestos a graves peligros. Su padre, al no poder manejar el problema emocional, comienza a perder el control. Esta es la historia de unos jóvenes que precisan enfrentar las pruebas más difíciles de la vida y aprender cómo: fortalecer su desenvoltura y seguridad propia, convencer a personas difíciles, apelar a las autoridades, defender sus derechos, generar ideas positivas y emociones sanas, expresar con claridad sus deseos, sentimientos e ideas, decir "no" sin sentir culpabilidad. Con este libro, el lector de cualquier edad, asimilará interesantes técnicas de superación, se conmoverá con las caídas y victorias de los personajes y no podrá dejar de leer la historia desde la primera página hasta su emocionante desenlace.

English Description : Two teenage brothers are left motherless and are exposed to serious dangers. His father, unable to handle the emotional, begins to lose control. This is the story of young people who need to face the most difficult tests of life and learn how to: strengthen their poise and self-assurance, difficult people to convince, appeal to the authorities, defend their rights, build healthy positive thoughts and emotions, to express clearly their desires, feelings and ideas, saying "no" without feeling guilty. With this book, the reader of any age, overcoming treated interesting techniques, be moved with falls and victories of the characters and can not stop reading the story from first page to its exciting denouement./p>




Señales para el Viaje

Publisher: Aguilar


Descifra el significado de las coincidencias y crea los milagros que has soñado.