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Había una vez una nube (Edad 5+)

Una colección de pictocuentos, creada por Graciela Montes, que presenta narraciones breves en un lenguaje lúdico y poético, con elementos gráficos que ayudan a la mejor comprensión textual. Libros para leer acompañados o para comenzar a leer solos.


Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban

De la prisión de Azkaban se ha escapado un terrible villano, Sirius Black, un asesino en serie que fue cómplice de lord Voldemort y que, dicen los rumores, quiere vengarse de Harry por haber destruido a su maestro. Por si esto fuera poco, entran en acción los dementores, unos seres abominables capaces de robarles la felicidad a los magos y de eliminar todo recuerdo hermoso de aquellos que se atreven a acercárseles. El desafío es enorme, pero Harry, Ron y Hermione son capaces de enfrentarse a todo esto y mucho más.

Hotel Pioho's Palace

Publisher: Capital Intelectual

Spanish Description :

English Description : In María Elena Walsh´s latest book, Dalila and her uncle go on vacation and stay at the Pioho´s Palace Hotel, a haven for students and artists where lots of adventures take place.


Juan, Julia y Jerico

Publisher: Combel Editorial

Spanish Description :

English Description : Juan is a young boy who is very short for his age, has crooked teeth, and whose left foot is larger than his right. All these things create many problems for him. Without Julia, his situation would be terrible. But with her friendship, everything is all right.


Judy Moody y la Declaracion de Independencia

Publisher: Bambu

Spanish Description :

English Description :


Justo a tiempo, Ambar Dorado

Publisher: Ediciones B

Spanish Description :

English Description : Ã?mbar Dorado wants a watch for her seventh birthday more than anything. She will feel more grown-up when she can see what time it is whenever she wants. Also, she will always know exactly how late Justo Daniels, her best friend, is. He is a great best friend, but Amber is getting tired of waiting for him all the time. She wants to live on Amber Time, not Justin Time.


La bella y la bestia. Un cuento sobre la empatía

Había una vez un príncipe muy egoísta. Se llamaba Enrique y no daba ni pizca. -Odio compartir! -gritaba enojado-. Lo mío es mío, ¡me lo he ganado!

La cabeza mágica/The magic head. <ibro bilingüe/Bilingual Book

Sara dibuja muy bien. Tan bien que es capaz de hacer una cabeza y darle vida./Sara draws very well. So well that she is capable of making a head and bringing it to life.


La Emperatriz de los Etereos

Publisher: Catedra Letras Hispanicas

Spanish Description :

English Description : Bipa does not believe in fairy tales. She's not interested in anything beyond the caves where her people live. Her friend Aer, on the other hand, seems to get farther and farther from reality every day. One day, Aer sets off on a dangerous journey in search of the legendary Ethereal Kingdom, a place where suffering doesn't exist, and people never feel cold or hunger. Bipa follows him trying to stop his absurd quest, but soon she finds herself pursuing her own dreams too. The latest novel by one of the most important authors in contemporary Spanish-language literature for Young Adults.
